Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Glitter It, Bitch! - First post!

HEY. Thanks for looking at Glitter it, Bitch! The fine interweb publication by two VERY well dressed Seattleites, for you. We're going to be keeping our eye on the fields and streets of fashion - so sparkle HELLA 'cause you might end up here.

Plaid on Broadway

I love summer colours on this short-shorted youth, Addy. Her tights are layered lace and solids - they really pop. She also has a chenille work in her shoe laces. This outfit kind of makes me want to do some seriously sweet drill team moves on a high school basketball court.

1 comment:

  1. hi there
    i just came across your blog, good work keep it up!

    btw, if you guys have time, check out my giveaway on my jewelry blog:

    thanks <3
